Why a Website?
Jim, why the website?
I’m glad you asked. Two main reasons:
I’m collecting all of my stuff into one place
I’m writing a book.
I’ve been thinking lately about all the creative stuff I’ve done over the years and it’s all just kind of scattered around all over the place. From songs I’ve written to videos I’ve made to projects I’ve done and my recent ventures in woodworking, etc. Some of it only exists on my hard drive. Some was on social media that I’ve scaled down on, some on Itunes youtube etc. So I wanted to create a place so that I, my kids, and anyone else interested could see everything in one place.
A book? Yes A book. You may have read about it somewhere else on here. I’ll write more about it on another post, but i wanted to create a starting point, a central location for that to exist. It started as just a project for my kids, but as it’s developed it’s something I want to make real and pursue publishing. I will probably just self publish but I’m definitely going to take a shot at traditional publishing. They say that one of the first steps is to build your following. So I guess that’s part of what I’m trying to do.
You should know a few things..
It’s been hard to do this.
First because I’m my own worst critic. I always have been. I’ve never been a self promoter. When I was in high school my mom (who is amazing) secretly took one of my art projects and entered it into a county competition where I won like second place. That was kind of crazy. I have never felt I was a real musician or real artist, I’m not a real woodworker I am certainly not a real writer… but I guess I want to get over myself a bit. I really desire to encourage others, give people resources to grow. If that is a song or a story or a thought about God, etc. so be it.
In addition, I have made some major mistakes in life and I am certainly not a person that has it all together. It’s really hard to promote yourself when all i want to do sometimes is just tuck away and exist in my little corner of the world.
I guess the conclusion here is that my life is not my own. And even if I feel like I’m not great at what I do or don’t deserve a spotlight… my hope is that the spotlight is not on me, but on the God that created me, equipped me, restored me and has written my story. I hope that my life means something for His kingdom.
So… that’s why I’m here.